
How To Get Discord Skins

Desire to know how you lot can make or change a Discord background theme in minutes? This guide shows a few methods to go that new customized look.

Tired of the old generic Discord theme? Surely, the more you utilise Discord, you lot'll get bored with the aforementioned interface. Hence, you'll want to explore new Discord background themes to endeavour out. You might even wonder "can I create my own Discord background theme?". The curt respond is, yes, you tin can .

For now, through the default settings, users are restricted to using the Nighttime and Light theme. But the latter might non exist a fan-favourite. Hell, we've even stumbled across a petition to "Ban the Discord calorie-free theme" on!

You tin can't make this stuff up 😂.

Nonetheless, if y'all need steps to alternate between these 2 themes (Dark & Light), you can skip to the steps downward below.

At present, we're non discrediting Discord for their default theme. In fact, nosotros believe they have one of the all-time layouts and user experiences for a messaging tool out there. But why stick to one default theme when you can endeavor out new ones.

Besides, you'll certainly go out your peers in awe with a new unique and amazeballs Discord theme 🤩!

With that said, the following guide shows how you lot tin make as well equally change your Discord background theme. These steps utilize whether you're on Windows , Mac , or Linux . At the stop, in that location are steps for iPhone and Android devices besides.

Currently, there'south no mode to gear up a custom theme for a particular server yet. Still, as Discord continues to evolve, we believe this functionality will exist added presently.

Table of Contents

2 Methods to Make a Discord Theme

  • Method 1: Creating a Discord Theme through Codedotspectra
  • Method 2: Making a Discord Theme with the Theme Generator by DevilBro

Steps to Change the Discord Theme With BetterDiscord

  • Steps to Install BetterDiscord
  • Steps to Install Discord Themes with BetterDiscord

Steps to Change the Discord Theme Without BetterDiscord

Steps to Alter the Discord Theme on iPhone and Android

ii Methods to Brand a Discord Theme

Essentially, the pattern of the Discord app can exist changed through the CSS settings . Hence, if you're proficient in coding CSS, you can change the Discord app's appearance in the Styles section of the developer console by pressing Ctrl + Shift + I keys.changing a discord background theme through CSS

In the following steps, the Discord theme that you lot'll create will be in a CSS file also.

Notwithstanding, when you restart the Discord client, *poof*💨, the changes made and the appearance will be reset. Therefore, to install or utilize the CSS settings and the created Discord theme, y'all'll need to install BetterDiscord .

We'll explain a little more than on what BetterDiscord is and its cons in the adjacent department.

For now, we propose finding a Discord theme that suits you. You could download and apply fix-made themes . For this, you lot can find plenty of safe and viable options through the BetterDiscord server .Download Discord background themes through BetterDiscord server

As well that, you tin can create your own Discord theme with the following 2 methods. All you need is a beloved picture show of your favourite TV Evidence, Movie, Game, etc. to set as a groundwork.

Method 1: Creating a Discord Theme through Codedotspectra

Firstly, get to the Discord theme generator at the Codedotspectra website by clicking here .

So, choose a template to begin designing your Discord theme. For example, we landed on the Neutron theme.making a discord background theme using Codedotspectra generator

After that, on the left pane, you can make the design changes, and simultaneously preview the changes on the correct.

At the top left, there are buttons to change the settings , background image , font , colors and enable add-ons respectively.creating a discord background theme using Codedotspectra generator

Every bit for the font, you tin can cull i from the vast choice of Google Fonts . So, we suggest visiting Google Fonts and searching which one fits your liking. Then, simply type the font name in the generator.

Finally, to download your theme file, click the Settings icon, enter your theme name , and click the Download button.

Method 2: Making a Discord Theme with the Theme Generator by DevilBro

For starters, you tin can visit the BetterDiscord Theme Generator folio by DevilBro by clicking here .

On this page, you should see all the settings available to change the design of the theme. Nosotros suggest starting by finding and choosing a background image that you like.making a discord background theme using generator

Subsequently that, while making the blueprint settings changes, you can preview the changes by clicking Update Preview .

Once y'all've got your ideal design, click Download .creating a discord background theme using generator

Steps to Modify the Discord Theme With BetterDiscord

Now that y'all've got your Discord theme file, you'll demand to install BetterDiscord to apply the pattern changes. But before that, you lot might be wondering:

What is BetterDiscord?

Basically, it'southward a third-party software or an extension from the original Discord app. By utilizing Discord's open API , information technology allows users and devs to achieve the app's backend to make modifications. Therefore, equally the proper noun suggests, its main goal is to make Discord appear "ameliorate".

Many users choose to upgrade to BetterDiscord because information technology:

  1. Allows users to make additional customizations , such as custom themes, using CSS injection.
  2. Enables users to install third-party plugins and add-ons .
  3. Provides a broader range of emotes to utilize.

What are the Downsides to Installing BetterDiscord?

Before you keep to install the BetterDiscord, we'll similar to highlight a few considerations. That fashion, nosotros tin clear up any doubts yous may have about the service beforehand.

  • Going confronting Discord's Terms of Service

The main business of using BetterDiscord is that information technology goes against Discord's Terms of Service . From Discord's end, this is mainly to protect users' from information breaches. However, since its inception, Discord hasn't banned anyone for installing BetterDiscord.

Besides, there's plenty of people who have installed it and a whole community dedicated to BetterDiscord. So, don't worry too much about being banned someday soon.

  • Data Breach Concerns

Additionally, people believe that using Better Discord opens up security holes in your client. Thus, enabling your Discord credentials to be leaked. Still, we feel as long as you're downloading theme files from the right sources you should be fine. Also, as long as yous're not going overboard with the imported add-ons and extensions.

Steps to Install BetterDiscord

With that out of the mode, the post-obit are the steps to install BetterDiscord :

  1. Firstly, get to the BetterDiscord folio on GitHub by clicking here .
  2. And so, under BandageBD, depending on the Os your PC is running (Windows, macOS), click the download link for the BetterDiscord to install betterdiscord
  1. After that, open and run the downloaded BandagedBD.exe file. Click Hold at the License Agreement page.
  2. Next, click the icon next to Install BandagedBD .steps to install betterdiscord
  1. Following that, tick the Install to Stable box and click Install .how to install betterdiscord

Finally, one time BetterDiscord has finished installing, the Discord app should restart, and you should meet the following message.steps to install betterdiscord

Steps to Install Discord Themes with BetterDiscord

With BetterDiscord installed, you can at present proceed to install your custom Discord theme (.CSS) that you created or downloaded earlier.

  1. For starters, at the Discord client, click the settings icon (⚙️), to access the User Settings .installing Discord background themes using betterdiscord
  1. Side by side, on the left pane, under BandagedBD, select Themes , and click Open up Theme Binder .changing Discord background themes using betterdiscord
  1. After that, re-create the Discord theme file which you've created or downloaded earlier, and paste it into this folder.installing Discord background themes using betterdiscord
  1. Then, at the Discord client, enable the theme you've simply pasted past clicking the switch.changing Discord background themes using betterdiscord

Now, y'all should run into that the Discord background theme has been successfully practical. If you didn't observe whatsoever changes, effort restarting the Discord customer by pressing the Ctrl + R keys.

Steps to Change the Discord Theme Without BetterDiscord

Alternatively, if you lot're uncomfortable with installing BetterDiscord, you could alter the Discord background theme, within the app setting . The only downside is you'll exist limited to alternating betwixt 2 theme options , dark and light.

Nonetheless, if you merely need a minimal design change, so this step can be your get-to.

  1. From the Discord client, click the settings icon (⚙️), to access the User Settings .
  2. Then, from the left pane, under App Settings, select Appearance .
  3. Later that, you'll take the option to change the Theme (Dark, Light) and the Message Brandish (Cozy, Meaty).how to change discord background theme without betterdiscord

Steps to Change the Discord Theme on iPhone and Android

What if you're using the Discord mobile app? Sadly, there's no directly option to install or alter custom Discord background themes on mobile devices yet.

Even so, similar to the previous step, y'all tin choose ane of 2 theme options inside the Discord app settings. To navigate to these Discord theme settings:

  1. From the Discord app, tap your profile from the bottom bar.
  2. After that, scroll down and under App Settings, tap Appearance .changing discord background theme on iPhone and Android
  1. On the next folio, you lot'll accept the options to change the Theme , either to Light or Night .changing discord background theme on iPhone and Android

Happy Theming…

In sum, those are the ways to make and change a Discord background theme. Now, that you lot know the steps, you can begin creating and using different kinds of themes to one-up your Discord peers.

Besides, equally y'all're spending lots of time messaging, collaborating, and gaming on Discord, you lot'll desire a groundwork that's more appealing and entertaining to look at.

That existence said, let your creativity accept over, and meet what amend Discord themes yous can come up with.

Lastly, permit us know in the comments :

  1. How does your new Discord theme look?
  2. Did you lot run into any issues when installing the Discord themes? Do share so nosotros can assist out😊.

Feel free to share this post with your friend who needs a new Discord theme😄.


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